Double Coats
Dogs with double coats not only look adorably fluffy and luxurious, but the extra coat serves a very practical purpose. According to the AKC, the double coats give dogs an extra layer to help keep them clean and cope with harsh weather—warm and cold. The outer coat has longer and coarser hair while the undercoat is short, soft and dense. These double coats can provide insulation in cold weather, keeping dogs warm all fall and winter long. When the weather gets warm in the spring and summer, the undercoat traps cool air against the skin.
Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash
This double coat, however, comes with extra responsibilities for dog owners. The coats need extra washing and brushing to keep them untangled, which is no easy feat for an owner. However, a professional groomer can properly help you care for dogs with multiple coats, keeping them groomed properly for maximum comfort.
“For example, it might seem logical to shave these furry dogs, but dogs with double coats should not typically be shaved,” said Chris Toc, co-owner of the Tailored Tail. “Shaving these dogs removes both coats, and there is a chance the dog will end up with too much undercoat as they can grow at different rates.”
Instead, Tailored Tail recommends regular grooming (every month) for double-coated dogs as they shed a lot at different times of year and need to be kept detangled and cool. Toc says double-coated dogs shed their winter coat twice a year, which involves losing large clumps of fur as they regrow a new outer layer. Those times of year it is even more important to visit a professional to be sure the grooming is meticulous and keeps the dog’s coats healthy and unmatted.
Popular breeds with double coats include German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Siberian Husky, Pomeranian, Bernese Mountain Dog, Great Pyrenees and the Golden Retriever.
These are some of the breeds that will benefit the most from professional grooming. Groomers will expertly brush out the hair to prevent matting, which can be very painful for dogs. Toc says by getting your double-coated dog regularly groomed you can control the excessive shedding.
At Tailored Tail, professional groomers use special de-shedding tools and brushes to more easily groom the double-coated dogs. So even if you brush your double-coated dogs at home regularly, using a professional groomer sometimes can supplement the work you are already doing to keep your dog’s fur as pretty and comfortable as possible.